You’re more powerful

than you think.

Yoga is the science of self-realisation, as used for thousands of years to attain freedom from suffering and experience our ultimate nature.

So what might happen if this powerful ancient technology were practiced for 24 hours continuously?!

On 15 July at 1pm AEST, Jeremy will embark on a solo marathon of primarily meditation, breathwork and posture, curious to find out what might happen to his experience of reality.

24hr Yoga Marathon


Mental illness is an epidemic. And many of the solutions fall short of resolution.

This experiment is to raise awareness for a tried and tested, long standing, sustainable and holistic solution to resolving the human condition; Yoga.

And explore the boundaries of its possibilities. Jeremy wonders what might happen, if he increases the dose on techniques that have progressed his mental health so significantly.

Spirituality Cures Mental Illness

“Woo-woo” won’t help. Disciplined spiritual practice, will.

“You can't solve a problem on the same level that it was created.” Albert Einstein

Once you access the next level within, you not only resolve mental issues, but upgrade your experience of reality.

The Practice

The practice of Yoga involves techniques that evoke the union of individual consciousness with universal consciousness. In this experiment, Jeremy will be using techniques of posture, breathwork and meditation.

Like how AI might give access to the sum total of human collected data, so we can perform action from the collective intelligence of humanity… Yoga might give access to the sum total of all data in existence, so we can perform action from the collective intelligence of totality. Rishi’s have done so for thousands of years, cognising revelations about the nature of existence, which modern science is only recently catching up to; from the big bang, to quantum physics.

Yoga promises the ultimate liberation, pure awareness, the peak human experience; enlightenment. If such a state is available to us, then why aren’t we chasing it with vigour? …Jeremy, plans to do just that! And at the very least, he’ll just feel very relaxed.

exploring consciousness


exploring consciousness 〰️

See the experiment
